Sunday, July 7, 2024

June 12: Turkey Part I

Next up: five glorious hours in Istanbul, where the streets are cobblestone, the architecture is stunning, and the temperatures are mild. I have so many beautiful photos that I'm breaking it up into two posts.

my first glimpse of the city!

I landed around 4:30am and got into the city just before 6am. I cabbed straight to this bakery, which was one of the only places in the historic city center that opened at 6. 

My first borek! and my first Turkish coffee in Turkiye!

peep that sea


I didn't eat these but they looked amazinggg

love me a good window display

The short-ish rod center-left is from Roman times, it's actually really tall but its base is far below the plaza. As for the obelisk behind it, per Wikipedia: "The Obelisk of Theodosius is the Ancient Egyptian obelisk of Pharaoh Thutmose III, first erected during the 18th dynasty of Egypt. It was re-erected in the Hippodrome of Constantinople by the Roman emperor Theodosius I in the 4th century AD."

mosque views

this is the inside of the gazebo pictured above

all the policemen had giant guns

This park used to be a private royal garden, until someone decided to make it public.

lots of stray dogs enjoying the sea breeze

lots of men out swimming! It was close to 8am at this point. (I did a lot of walking.)

post-swim watermelon

To be continued!

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