Thursday, April 5, 2018

Hiking in the Suburbs

Finding nature as a New Yorker is a challenge. As a committed hiker/backpacker, I consider myself up for the challenge. So this past weekend I planned a day hike in New Jersey.

view of the city from NJ 

I rode the train for 30 minutes to the bus (which I BARELY caught — had to sprint through Penn Station), and then rode the bus for over an hour. Things I saw from my bus window:

-Row of pigeons lined up on the edge of a slanted roof (cute)
-Swamp ft. capsized grocery cart (creepy)
-Dead goose crumpled up in massive mall parking lot (disturbing)

After the goose, I decided to nap the rest of the way.

I got off the bus at a random cross-street as instructed by Google Maps. I then walked about three-quarters of a mile to a green area on my map.

 I tramped up this hill for a few minutes and found a path at the top of the ridge but wasn't sure where I was. To gather my bearings, I sat down on a rock and had a snack before pulling out my phone again.

 Turns out Google Maps had brought me to the right park but not to the entrance. So I called a Lyft (perks of not actually being in nature) and rode the 3 miles to the proper park entrance.

Then I did a very pleasant six-mile hike.

And then it was time to head back to the concrete jungle. Already planning my next hike for this upcoming weekend!

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