Wednesday, June 5, 2024

May 25: sunrise kayak + hiding from heat

Hayley and I braved a 4:30am pickup to watch the sunrise from kayaks on the Thu B'ôn River. It was only 80 degrees at this point! with 95% humidity, of course :) 

I loved watching the fishermen raise these giant nets out of the water.

This fish jumped into my kayak!!!

We paddled to a fish market!

Then we got coffee and banh mi's for breakfast.

I ordered my banh mi with no meat, no veggies, just peanut sauce. It was delicious.

On the way back, I saw that these tiny fish had gotten stuck in the net and left for birds to pick off.

We then paddled through a mid-river island. It was very peaceful. I was sweating a lot inside my life jacket, with the sun now in full force (circa 7:30am).

saw some more fisherfolk

some people keep cows on this island! they roam free, caged only by the river itself.

After the kayaking, I went back to bed for several hours. I then got a late lunch at my favorite vegetarian restaurant (where I'd dined my first night) and tried a veggie version of a local specialty called "white rose," which is a dumpling typically filled with minced pork or shrimp:

I also had this delicious vegetable soup.

Then Hayley and I walked downtown and came across this artisan fair!

I tried to Google-translate the label on this sesame candy and got...

Google translate worked much better in Indonesia!

Then we walked to an incredible museum exhibit on the 54 official (+2 not-officially-recognized) ethnic groups of Vietnam. A French photographer had gone to communities representing each group and taken photos of people in their traditional garb.

It was an incredible display, with some of the outfits being the only ones left from those groups!

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